Hi-Dow ACUXPD 12 Tens Device is FDA APPROVED And has 12 different modes you can choose from.
Do you suffer with Pain, Muscle Tension or Stress?
Quickly relax tense muscles and relieve pain with the newest Hi-Dow Ace XP-D. Using the latest bio-electrical technology it is the modern day home therapy device. Designed to provide endless amount of relaxing, deep, soothing sensations in the areas where you need relief.
The Acu-XPD is a double-channel, (rechargeable) battery operated muscle stimulation system which helps to relieve minor muscular aches and pains. It is intended to be used to stimulate healthy muscles in order to improve and facilitate muscle performance.
How does the Widow ACU XPD work?
It is comprised of two main components: an electronic stimulatory module which generates the required stimulation signals and two sets of ECG electrode pads with lead wires.
What is an Electronic Muscle Stem used for?
It is to be used for temporary pain relief associated the sore and aching muscles in the lower back, upper extremities (arms), lower extremities (legs) and joints due to strain from exercise or normal household or work activities. It is intended to be used to stimulate healthy muscles in order to improve and facilitate muscle performance.